Gun Cleaning Rights & Wrongs

GUNS Magazine Podcast #73
March 26, 2021
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A familiar task among gun owners, gun cleaning is often an enjoyed or dreaded exercise. But are you doing it right?

Back with the Guncranks, Host Brent T. Wheat, Tom McHale and Roy Huntington do a deep-dive into the right and wrong ways to clean your firearms, including using margarine on your pistol, the secret ingredient in Hoppe’s #9 and where not to store your sunflower seeds.

A longtime gunsmith, Roy also explains why he believes some guns have been ruined by a lack of cleaning, but more have been ruined by too much cleaning.

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Next: #74 | Training During an Ammo Shortage
Prev: #72 | Back to the Future: Industry Doom & Gloom

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GUNS Magazine Podcast presented by Berger Bullets

