Rocky Lynx 400g Insulated Boots


For the last 20+ years of my career at the cop shop, I wore Rocky boots. Whenever my expensive duty boots started looking a little ratty, I purchased a new pair and the old ones were relegated to recreational duty. Seven years retired, I’m still the guy on the deer stand wearing black boots. Most cops are nodding their heads in understanding.

However, when Rocky offered up a pair of their new Lynx 400g insulated boots just in time for the Midwest winter, I jumped at the chance.
Aside from the Realtree Escape camo pattern, these boots look great and the looks match the noteworthy comfort and performance. So far I’ve not gotten cold feet and I love how the nylon exterior cleans up after a muddy day afield. Mine are a little snug so I’d suggest you actually try on a pair before buying. Regardless, my unbroken string of Rocky-shod feet continues!

MSRP: $175

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