Versacarry Defender
Alpha OWB Holster

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I love the smell of new leather but new water buffalo hide is, shall we say, a little less savory. Fortunately, I’m pretty sure the new Versacarry Defender Alpha holster built from the late, lamented Mr. Buffalo’s skin will probably still be in great shape long after the user and perhaps the gun itself have faded away.

This stout forward-cant outside-the-waistband shuck arrived just in time to tote my Springfield Hellcat Pro with optic. Even though my gun doesn’t sport a thumb safety, I like the little high-rise patch of leather on the inside that keeps the rear of the slide from gouging too much. The leather is backed by a polymer insert to keep it rigid and prevent the holster from collapsing. A multi-point tensioning system keeps the gun as snug as you want. Mild fragrance notes aside, this is a heavy-duty winner!

MSRP: Unavailable at Press Time

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