Gerber Game Shears

Sheer efficiency In A Processing Powerhouse!
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Gerber’s Vital Take-A-Part Shears may not have a lot of extra
functions built into their design, but their innovative bone
notch more than makes up for it.

The “Game Shears” segment of the overall cutlery market is a small one, but these handy game-processors are big to the sportsmen who use them. Designed for processing smaller furry, winged and aquatic game, these shears are an efficient way of getting the job done quickly. Some manufacturers have goosed their entrees up with all sorts of gee-gaws like cap lifters and screwdrivers while others have kept things simple by focusing on the job at hand. Gerber’s Vital Take-A-Part Shears fall into the latter group.

Gerber kept things spare, equipping their compact 8.0″ Vital Take-A-Part Shears with only a bone notch designed into the blades — a common feature that separate game shears from the topiary variety. The Vital Take-A-Part Shears’ 2.50″ 420J2 stainless steel blades — one plain-edged and the other serrated — have a pivot that allows them to be swung wide and separated for cleaning. The handles are comfortable with black rubber-like Kraton overlays atop hard orange thermo-plastic frames, one for the thumb, the other for the fingers. Weight is a svelte 5.0 oz.


Shown here is the ramped, serrated blade that allows the Gerber Vital shears to keep on cutting even when it hits the bone notch. Note also the pivot allows the two halves to be taken apart for cleaning.

Why You’ll Like Them

What separates the Gerber’s Vital Take-A-Part Shears from the pack is their Bone Notch design. When cutting, most shears bog down when they hit the bone notch — a common deficiency. Gerber solved this problem by ramping the edge of the serrated blade to mimic with the bone notch cut-out on the opposite blade (see photo). Where the others bog down, the Gerber shears keep on cutting. This is a game changer! These handy shears won’t break the bank either. MSRP for the Gerber Vital Take-A-Part Shears is $20 with a nylon belt sheath included.

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