Beware the Demoralizer

They’ll Say Anything To
Keep You Out Of The Fight
; .

About five months ago, an online publication essentially admitted how Democrats in Colorado plan to target Congresswoman Lauren Boebert for defeat next year.

“Demoralization is the key here,” the article stated. “The Rocky Mountain Values, and other Democratic Party-backed groups like theirs, understand this fact. If these groups can demoralize enough Republican voters in Boebert’s district (and they wouldn’t need much to demoralize them), the Democrats can take Boebert’s critical district.”


Bad And Nationwide

This sort of thing isn’t just confined to the Centennial State where Boebert has become a lightning rod and barely won re-election last year. Next time around, they expect to replace Boebert — a staunch Second Amendment vote on Capitol Hill — with an anti-gunner. It’ll be one more vote to silence gun rights activism and offer no representation at all in Congress for westside Colorado gun owners.

As we get closer to the 2024 campaign, watch out in your own district for this sort of effort. You’ll be repeatedly told your vote doesn’t count. You’ll hear rumors about the pro-gun conservative running in your district who “isn’t really pro-gun” after all and is just waiting to betray you — or that they are “too far right to get elected.” Some will fall back on the Joe Biden strategy of branding them “MAGA Republicans,” as if that were akin to being lepers. It’s just another form of social bigotry for which self-described “progressives” invariably get a pass from the establishment media.

The article in question generously observed, “A majority of Republican voters still do not consider themselves ‘MAGA.’ They view themselves as ‘conservative.’” However, by the time the election rolls around, rest assured all of those conservative Republicans will have been viciously portrayed as “MAGA” whether they like it or not and so will the candidates they support. Remember, when one side of a debate resorts to name-calling, they don’t have any real arguments.

On the other hand, gun owners can be their own worst enemies because too often they sit out an election and only seem to get concerned after the fact, when they suddenly realize they are in a lot of trouble. In my home state of Washington, far too many conservatives didn’t bother to vote in last year’s election and Democrats gained even more seats in the Legislature. The result: They passed legislation banning so-called “assault weapons” and the state was promptly sued in federal court by the Second Amendment Foundation and separately by the National Shooting Sports Foundation with support from the National Rifle Association. They passed another bill requiring people to prove they’ve taken safety training within the past five years in order to buy a gun. In other words, the law demands the equivalent of a “literacy test” to exercise a constitutional right. This is clearly unconstitutional, say Second Amendment advocates, and by the time you read this, possibly other legal actions will be in the works challenging this nonsense.


Stick Together Or Hang …

Do you want to know the single most important difference between liberals and conservatives? Liberals fight their internal battles privately, while conservatives make a habit of fighting amongst themselves in public and sometimes making a spectacle of it. This sends a message to voters in the middle — the people you need on your side in order to win — that you’re not very well organized, thus you probably should not be put in charge.

What pro-Second Amendment citizens don’t seem to grasp is that if they had stuck together and voted in the first place, and taken the Legislature away from the gun control party or at least balanced the odds, none of this would have happened. Anti-gunners cannot pass laws if they’re not in office or if they are the minority party. It is monumentally frustrating to encourage people to vote, only to have them sit on their apathy and then complain on social media about how major gun rights organizations didn’t prevent anti-gunners from winning.

About the same time Democrats were planning their campaign to demoralize Boebert voters in Colorado, Rasmussen Reports released a survey revealing “Nearly a third of American voters would consider voting for a third-party candidate in next year’s presidential race, and Democrats are more open to the idea than either Republicans or independents.” The survey revealed 31% of likely voters said it was “somewhat likely” they would vote for a third-party candidate. But 59% are not so likely to do that, and 32% said it is “not at all likely.”

Don’t sucker for it. Democrats may say that now, only to lull voters into believing they’re not really interested in creating one-party dominance. They are delighted when disillusioned conservatives vote for a third party, no-chance candidate, thus splitting the conservative vote and propelling liberals into office. Once there, these “progressives” quickly demonstrate how unfriendly they are to your rights. Look at Michigan. Look at Minnesota. Look at California, New Jersey and New York. Don’t forget Illinois, Washington and Oregon. How many examples do you require before the light goes on and you ultimately conclude the only way to put these people out of your misery is to vote them out of office.

Like it or not, there is one party that protects your rights and one that is trying to erase them. For those who want a third-party victory, it’s going to take a lot of work that involves more than just wishful thinking and social media. First, vote the liberals out of office, because if moderates and conservatives have the majority they control the legislative agenda. Once you’ve accomplished this, you gradually work in the third-party choices if this is your goal. Be willing to spend years getting this done, and in the meantime, don’t allow yourselves to be beguiled by some smooth-talking anti-gunner.



Let’s shift gears just a bit. Ten states have banned so-called “assault weapons.” If this cannot be undone by the federal courts, the only other way is to have a huge voter turnout targeting lawmakers in “swing” districts and run electable challengers to displace the people who banned your guns. Make sure they know you expect them to repeal these bans and restore your gun rights.

Earlier this year, a troll began posting messages on one of the various gun rights social media pages I monitor. His job evidently was to discourage gun owners by arguing how the “majority” of poll respondents want more gun control, including background checks and gun bans. Take these people on and shut them down. Never forget two important principles:

Constitutional rights are not subject to popularity polls.

This battle is not about guns, it’s about rights.

Don’t indicate even the slightest degree of willingness to surrender a little ground, because history has demonstrated repeatedly how the gun prohibition movement will accept your compromise, only to come back later and demand surrender. During debates, they will “make nice” with you, as if this is just a disagreement among friends. Don’t be lulled into believing it. They have one goal and it is to crush the Second Amendment and turn a fundamental right into a government-regulated privilege.

To paraphrase the old “Smokey Bear” advertisements, “Only YOU can protect the Second Amendment.”

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