My answer is “No, I won’t.” You burn my flag, and demand I respect you? Threaten my loved ones with murder and demand I respect you? Behave shamefully while representing my country and demand my respect? Get violent because I won’t lower my eyes and slink away from you? Show me what you got, pal.

I’ve spent most of my life in the company of men whose response to real insult, real provocation, could include guns and knives or, in gracious civility, with the challenge to “Strip your blouse, mister, and we’ll take this outside.” I’ve generally found the more heavily armed and professionally violent the men were, the more conscious they were of how they spoke to others, and the more courteous was their behavior. When you may be called to stand and deliver for anything you say or do, you tend to be polite, circumspect and thoughtful. In “polite society,” politeness seems as rare as common sense is common.

I miss “impolite society.” They always showed me what they got.

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