Viktos Operatus Jacket

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For those not hip on military jargon, a “woobie” is the near-universal term for wet-weather poncho liner. It’s essentially a nylon and polyester blanket — with a hood — much beloved by troops for its light weight and versatility since first issued in Vietnam. Now, if you love your woobie, there’s a jacket with all the same traits.

The Viktos Operatus Jacket is made from similar material as a woobie though not quite as “shiny” — the trim and construction are definitely a cut above the “lowest bidder” of military gear. The jacket features huge inside and outside pockets, along with side zippers to allow ease of use with waist-mount gun belts. All in all, it reminds me of my old M65 field jacket liner, with the addition of a great hood and made from far better material. One word to the wise — take their suggestion on sizing as the jacket definitely leans toward an “athletic” cut. I don’t.

MSRP: $150

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