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If you’ve read Packing Iron you’ll understand the significance of this book. Including “modern” makers in the 20th century takes up where Packing Iron left off. A page-turner of a book!

If names like Berns-Martin, Bucheimer, El Paso Saddlery, Chic Gaylord, Don Hume and S.D. Myres get your blood going — pay attention. Friend Red Nichols and holster collector/guru John Witty teamed for this astounding book. I’m fortunate enough to have encouraged Red to make this a photo-heavy coffee-table volume and he and John have created an immediate icon. Their book takes the classic “Packing Iron” several levels higher. From the intro of the book:

“This is an unabashed picture book about gunleather. In particular, it is about the innovative holsters that were created by American men and women during the 20th century. Holstory is a term the authors coined so they wouldn’t be typing ‘holster history’ over and over again.”

If you love to read about “real” gunfighters, the leather helping to make them famous, the design and foundation of how we came to be where we are today in this industry — then this honest American history will captivate you. It did me. Buy it on Red’s website, but it’s shipped by Mr. Witty here in the states. Cost is $99.50 shipping included, for 244 pages and 360 color images. You can only buy it on-line at www.rednicholsholsters.com

gun leather book

Typical of what you’ll enjoy, this full page color image is of a Heiser Mexican Loop holster around 1922.

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Two “hard case” lawmen — Texas Ranger Capt. J.R. Hughes on the right and J.C. “Doc” white on the left. These guys actually used this leather gear in their gun fights against bad guys.

inside gunleather book

The Bucheimer name is familiar to any holster aficionado, and this one, circa 1978, is best known as Dirty Harry’s original holster, although for a Model 29!

gun leather book

Red Nichols and John Witty teamed up to create this amazing book. Both are well qualified, and it shows in the final product! he historical photos are amazing and some have never before seen the light of day!