All-New Safariland Chest Rig

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I’ve been stumped for weeks about what to get my dad for Christmas. Like many of our readers, he’s been a hunter and shooter for longer than I’ve been alive. It’s hard to find something practical that he doesn’t already have, so I was thrilled when the announcement about the all-new Safariland Chest Rig (SCR) popped up in my inbox.

A chest carry holster has always been his favorite way to carry, especially when hunting, walking the dogs around his property or out checking trail cameras, as it keeps clutter off his waist without compromising accessibility. His current rig has many years on it, so it’s definitely due for an upgrade.

Whether spending time in the backcountry hunting and hiking, overlanding on ATVs, or scaling trails on horseback, the Safariland Chest Rig provides flexibility for any outdoor adventure that requires a holster but where traditional belt carry is less than ideal.

The Safariland Chest Rig is compatible with Safariland 6000 series and 7TS holsters. When paired with these three-hole patterned holsters and coordinating accessories, they can can be adjusted for enhanced accessibility. The quick attachment buckle increases this accessibility by allowing for one-handed attachment. The injection molded nylon construction is extremely durable and made to last.

Price: $99
