The Field
After seeing how well the Stevens 301 Turkey with TSS ammo performed on paper, Karen wanted to give it a try. Years ago if you told me I’d be hunting with a .410 shotgun shooting #9 shot — I probably would have guessed you were on some type of narcotics. Karen also mentioned she liked the fact this shotgun was much lighter than her 12- and 20-gauge shotguns she normally carries for turkey hunting.
Bless her heart — Karen is incapable of sitting still, just like a six year old, meaning we have to hunt from a ground blind so the turkeys won’t see her squirming around. We got to our blind opening morning, set up two decoys and immediately heard a couple of birds gobbling. A few minutes later when they flew down from the roost, I called a couple of times and one of them answered. We waited a few minutes as the woods became silent.
I called one more time and he answered again. I told Karen to get the gun out of the window and watch. Sure enough, a few moments later I saw his head bobbing around in the field. The moment the gobbler spotted the hen decoy, he gobbled and began to strut. It was the kind of morning a turkey hunter dreams about. The big gobbler came working his way toward the decoy, strutting and gobbling all the way. When he got within shooting distance Karen’s heart was beating in over-drive!
I tapped her on the leg, our predetermined signal it was time to shoot. At 33 yards the big gobbler raised his head momentarily as Karen tugged the trigger. Well, those TSS #9s dropped him on the spot and boy was Karen thrilled — and I became a believer in the .410 bore shotgun!
After reviewing and writing about a lot of different firearms, I generally return them to the manufacturer. The Stevens 301 will not be returned — I’ll be sending a check. Karen wouldn’t have it any other way. While the 301 is definitely utilitarian, it provides more functions than just a turkey gun. It would also make a great option for youth or anyone else wanting to enjoy small game hunting.
If you have unwanted vermin sneaking in to your garden, stealing those delicious tomatoes, the 301 could eliminate the produce robbers. Whatever you see a practical situation for the .410, the Stevens makes a dandy choice. They say the .410 is a kid’s gun — well, I guess I’m just a kid at heart.
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