A Favor For Dad
The story reminds me of the old-timers (actually they were likely 40 or 50) who would sometimes let me tag along on deer hunts. My dad liked bird hunting but had little interest in deer hunting. Looking back I suspect the old hunters took me along as a favor to Dad. In any case I was grateful then and still am today. When I first read the story I was closer in age to the boy; rereading it today I realize I’m now one of the old hunters. I feel we who have enjoyed the shooting sports for so long have a duty to support future generations. I have huge respect for all those who volunteer their time to teach hunter and firearms safety courses. I’m also thinking of ways to support individual youngsters.
One way is to provide advice so they are properly equipped. This can be carried too far, of course. We tend to be equipment-happy about most sports — a little make-do spirit is to be encouraged. I remember my first hunting jacket was an old coat with a red lining, worn inside-out!
The idea is to make it a positive experience. It’s hard to have a really good time if one’s hands and feet are freezing. Safety courses teach the importance of ear and eye protection. We can help ensure the youngsters have quality safety gear.