Viktos Upscale 3 Leather Bag

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I ordered this as an antidote for the “tactical” look of most sling packs. As a confirmed practitioner of “Gray Man” tactics, I don’t want to advertise to the world I’m carrying a gun or two along with several magazines and maybe a thermonuclear device in my super-sexy tactical man-purse.

The details of the Upscale 3 Leather Bag exceeded expectations in every way. The buckles are high-quality metal with a quick-release, not plastic like 99% of other sling packs, while the zippers and lining are equally top-notch. The hidden gun compartment is easy to access from either side. The only thing I didn’t immediately care for was the semi-gloss brown leather — it’s not my “scene” — but my wife immediately fell for it. Turns out the rig is several times more practical than those expensive gun purses I’ve bought her. I guess she’ll be writing up the six-month review!

MSRP: $125

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