Centerfire Systems 33-Round GLOCK Magazines

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Ideal for upping the firepower of pistol-caliber carbines and satisfying your inner artist’s aesthetic, these colorful 9mm magazines are compatible with GLOCK pistols of all generations and are value-priced at $20 each. They’re built with the same polymer and steel design as factory GLOCK magazines by IMG in Korea with heat-treated chrome silicon wire springs. The polymer itself is colored so no amount of wear will remove it.

The only difference I can see between these and factory magazines is there’s a little more flash at the edge of the mold line at the top. It didn’t interfere with function. Like many new extended magazines, some need to be loaded several times before accepting total capacity. If you love colored file folder tabs, you’ll embrace the organizational possibilities of a magazine available in 14 different colors including black.

Use different colors for different loads or just match them to your custom-cerakoted PPC!

MSRP: $20

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