Book: When Violence is the Answer
The book When Violence Is The Answer — Learning How to Do What It Takes When Your Life Is At Stake by Tim Larkin has been out for several years but just recently crossed my desk. The first sentence of the first page really grabbed me: “Violence is rarely the answer, but when it is, it’s the only answer.”
This isn’t a book about technique, though it contains plenty. Larkin’s goal is to open the reader’s eyes to violence as a means to an end, merely a tool, devoid itself of good or evil. Larkin is trying to help people understand if you’re ever forced to wield violence against an asocial predator, there’s no time for discussion, soul-searching or second-guessing — you’d better be prepared to wield it effectively. Ultimately, this book can help you “get your mind right” about personal safety regardless if you’re an Ultimate Warrior or a cookie-baking grammaw — but especially if you’re a grammaw!
MSRP: $16.99 on Amazon