Why Get Pounded?
Admittedly, I started with .44 Magnums for their easy availability and affordable prices. Cast bullets and handloads made shooting these powder guzzlers cheaper to shoot — along with a satisfying sense of accomplishment to boot.
I shot many heavy loads of 2400 (and later H110) almost exclusively until a wiser, older shooter asked me, “What light loads do you shoot?” I was stumped. It never occurred to me to do such a thing. I rectified this and now shoot plenty of 250-gr. Keith bullets over 8 grains of Winchester 231 for about 1,000 fps.
For the .44 Special, 5.5 grains of 231 is a mild 800 fps load — perfect for plinking and teaching others to shoot. There’s no need to cause excessive wear and tear on our guns — or ourselves — by lighting off full-power loads every time we shoot, especially when punching paper.