Pass The Rubber Bands

I bought a ProChrono Digital chronograph from Competition Electronics when the model first rolled out in 2000. It was definitely a “budget chrono,” priced about $125 as I recall, when most other chronographs were running three or four times more. I couldn’t even begin to guess how many rounds have passed through it over 15 years—mine, and those of many, many friends and “range buddies,” lots of whom borrowed it for days at a time, putting every load imaginable through it. Being an electronic device, a high round count isn’t challenging, but the damage it has suffered and always recovered from is pretty astounding.

Aside from rough handling and all forms of environmental exposure, it has busted completely open, scattering innards thither and yon, three times. The first time, it was smacked by a pal suddenly turning with a rifle case in hand, whackin’ it to the concrete. The carcass yawned. I was horrified. The next two times microbursts of wind came outta nowhere, snatched it up along with the lightweight tripod it was on, and positively hurled it at the deck—with the same results.