In the 1890s there came changes in the pistol cartridge long-gun genre — smokeless propellants were making their debut. Winchester was first with the Model 1892 and Marlin followed with their Model 1894. They differed from earlier pistol cartridge carbines in their basic strength — they were designed with smokeless powders in mind. In fact in Winchester’s catalog of 1899 there is a clear divide between ’73s and ’92s. Ballistic information was given for Model 1873 with black powder loads only, but with smokeless powder factory loads for the Model 1892.
Interestingly Winchester’s first three chamberings for Model 1892s were the time-tested trio of .44, .38, and .32 WCFs. Marlin used the same cartridges in their Model 1894 but labeled them .44-40, .38-40 and .32-20. As mentioned, saddle rings on carbines died out in the late 1920s but pistol cartridge carbines themselves persisted till about the World War II years. About 30 to 40 years later, they began to reappear.