Modding the Vic!

Giving The Victorinox 91mm A Facelift
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Here you see the Victorinox Huntsman 91mm modded with the W3rktrieb
laser-etched brass scales with their Topo pattern installed. Pat also picked
up a pair for the smaller Classic Swisschamp version to make a set.

Modding is nothing new to firearms owners thanks to burgeoning aftermarket that’s been in place for what seems like eons. The cutlery industry is finally catching on and replacing handle scales, previously somewhat limited in past years, is a booming business now. Victorinox, the Swiss Army Knife people, are enjoying much of this attention for a couple of reasons. First off, they have a huge, long-earned international following. Secondly, they’re easy to modify due to the somewhat ingenious way they’re designed.

The 91mm Victorinox is the closest in size to your standard Scout knife and is, indeed, its predecessor. There are many aftermarket scales available to fit the 91mm models ranging from simple color swaps of the standard red scales to exotic laser-engraved and anodized fare. Choose your poison.


The stock scales are separated from the main knife by sliding
a thin knife blade between the scale and twisting it at the area
of each post on which the scales mount to the outside liners.

Why you’ll like them

The Victorinox 91mm is a great way to get your modding feet wet because aftermarket scales are a cinch to install. The scales mount on three posts on each side of the main frame. Simply slide a sharp knife blade under one end of the stock scale and twist it until it pops off its first post. Then move your blade around the first post and move to the second, twisting the blade until it pops up. Repeat with the third post and your scale will pop off. Next, remove the scale on the opposite side the same way. The new scales will press-fit on the same frame posts as the originals. Most suppliers recommend a few small dots of epoxy on the frame before you put the new scales on for insurance.

The scales I spiffed up my 91mm here are from a German company named W3rktrieb. I found them on Etsy (their website is in German) and follow them on Facebook and Instagram as well. You can order from any of these. Internet search engines are your friend. There are scales for many different knife brands and models, just search for the company name plus “scales.” Some knife scales are simple to install, others not so much. This is how I slid into modding, and you can too!

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