IronClad Command
Tactical Pro Gloves

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Ironclad Performance Wear makes quality gloves for work and sport for men and women. The 10 different styles in their tactical line, value priced from $15 to $35 a pair, address various protection, comfort, tactile and dexterity requirements.

The Command Tactical Pro glove features a breathable and stretchy polyester knit back for a close-to-the-skin fit that isn’t too hot, a thin neoprene layer molded into the fabric over the knuckles for impact protection, a terry cloth sweat wiper on the back of the thumb and hook-and-loop tab closer at the wrist. The palm is a thin synthetic suede leather compatible with your smartphone screen — no more taking off your gloves to answer your phone on the range! Available in black, tan or OD green, in men’s sizes from S to XXL and women’s S to L.

MSRP: $20

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