Eagle Fist Coffee
To paraphrase an old television commercial — “With a name like Eagle Fist coffee, it’s got to be good!” Fortunately, the folks at Clinger Holsters (the owners of Eagle Fist) sent me some of their sacred beans and I can verify it is good to the last drop.
The brew comes as 12 oz. of medium-roast whole beans in a heavy foil bag. That’s as far as I can go concerning an erudite coffee review. I’ve drank hundreds of gallons of the convenience-store variety and actually prefer it to the pricey “bucks” stuff, so now you know my tastes and qualification. Having noted this, I like Eagle Fist. It’s not too strong, not too weak and doesn’t taste like it should have whipped cream, sprinkles and an umbrella on top. It’s my Real ’Merican go-to-brew at the moment.
MSRP: $15.99