Apex Hellcat Action Enhancement Trigger

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The Springfield Armory Hellcat is the world’s highest-capacity micro-compact defensive pistol. Packing 13+1 rounds of 9mm chaos into a package that fits in your front jeans pocket, the Hellcat changed the concealed carry game. Now Apex Tactical is offering their premiere trigger upgrade for this fabulous feline.

The Action Enhancement Trigger conversion consists of a new trigger assembly, a redesigned sear spring, and an upgraded striker spring. Installation is not quite as simple as changing your smartphone ringtone, but there’s a great YouTube tutorial. It cost me about a half-hour while taking my sweet time.

The result is a smooth unspoiled take-up with a 5.5-lb. duty-grade break. The original Hellcat trigger wasn’t bad, but the Apex version is indeed markedly nicer. Add a 10-spot and they’ll even print an American flag on the side.
MSRP: $79.95


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